FDOT 7: Dale Mabry & Bay to Bay Intersection Improvements

FDOT District 7:
Dale Mabry / Bay to Bay 
Intersection Improvements
Hillsborough County, Florida

This project involved the design and survey for intersection improvements at SR 600 (Dale Mabry Hwy) and Bay to Bay Boulevard in Hillsborough County.  SR 600 is a 4-lane, undivided, urban principal arterial with an AADT of 36,300 vehicle per day and the major north-south link from downtown to the northern part of Tampa.

The project involved the widening of Dale Mabry Highway by 15 feet on the east side to improve the alignment by removing a severe deflection. The widening included 420 feet for the approach and 285 feet for the departing transition.

The project also included the removal and replacement of an existing concrete box span traffic signal with new with steel mast arms, internally illuminated street name signs, signing & pavement markings, a new in pavement portable traffic monitoring site, fiber optic and hardwire interconnect to the City of Tampa’s regional communication center, repair of curb and gutter, traffic separators, repair of sidewalks and ramps per ADA, transit amenities, storm drain relocation on the east side widening, and utility coordination.